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William G. Allen, DDS

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6 Dental Tips for Travelers

  1. If possible, schedule your next regular dental visit before your trip. You’ll go off with sparkling clean teeth, plus you’ll have peace of mind that your oral health is up to date.
  2. Keep your dentist’s contact information with you in case a dental emergency comes up and you need a phone consultation.
  3. If a dental emergency occurs when you are outside of the United States, consider contacting the local U.S. embassy. They can provide you with an independent recommendation for a dentist.
  4. If you forget your toothbrush, a temporary fix is to put some toothpaste on your finger or on a clean washcloth. Rinse vigorously with water to eliminate as much bacteria as possible.
  5. If you are in an area where the water supply may be subpar, use bottled water to brush and rinse your teeth.
  6. Transport your toothbrush in a resealable plastic bag to keep it clean and out of contact with other items. When you reach your destination, open the plastic bag so as to let your toothbrush dry out between uses.

To book your pre-travel dental appointment at Discovery Smiles, call 520-721-2000.

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