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William G. Allen, DDS

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What is a Dental Emergency?

Posted on Jun 12, 2018

Have you experienced a toothache or other worrisome dental problem and wondered whether or not it constituted an emergency? A dental emergency is generally that which requires immediate treatment to save a tooth, stop severe bleeding, or address severe tooth pain. Here are some conditions which may warrant an emergency visit: 1) Abscess – (This may appear as a painful, pimple-like swelling on your gums.) 2) A considerably broken tooth – Place as many pieces of the tooth as you can save in a small, dry container, and bring them with you when you see the dentist. 3) A knocked-out tooth – Avoid touching the root of the tooth. Gently rinse off the tooth and, if possible, hold the tooth in place in its socket until you see the dentist. 4) Loose tooth – Use your finger to try to put the loose tooth back in place until you see the dentist, but don’t force it. 5) Loose filling – Seal the area with a piece of sugarless gum or dental cement until you see the dentist. 6) Severe gum bleeding – Hold gauze firmly in place to stem the bleeding. Avoid anticoagulants that will make it more difficult to stop the bleeding. Visit a dentist or emergency room right away. 7) Severe toothache – Rinse your mouth with warm water. See a dentist if the pain persists. If you have a dental problem and you’re not sure what to do about it, call Discovery Smiles at 520-721-2000.

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Post Graduation Dental Care

Posted on May 01, 2018

Do you have a chick that is about to fly your coop? Parents often do a great job of seeing to the regular dental care of their child, but after the child leaves the nest, regular dental cleanings fall by the wayside and problems arise. So if Aunt Louise asks what she can get your son or daughter for a graduation gift, the gift of an ongoing, healthy smile is a practical – if not exciting suggestion. It’s up to parents to make their kids understand and appreciate the value of a healthy smile and the important role routine dental visits play in keeping one. Discovery Smiles provides quality dental care for the whole family. To schedule an appointment, call 520-721-2000.

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Just How Dangerous Are Toothpicks?

Posted on Apr 17, 2018

Toothpicks are among the most dangerous and least effective ways to clean your teeth. In fact, more Americans choke on toothpicks than on any other object. About 9,000 people are injured every year by toothpicks. Many victims are children between the ages of 5 and 14. Toothpicks can crack dental enamel and damage tooth restorations. They can puncture gums and fracture the roots of your teeth. If you have food stuck between your teeth, floss! If you must dislodge the food particle at the dinner table, at home or in a restaurant, floss! Seriously, flossing can’t be any less attractive than picking your teeth with a toothpick, and it’s much, much safer! If it’s time for your next professional dental cleaning, please give us a call at Discovery Smiles. 520-721-2000.

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Are You in the 10%?

Posted on Mar 30, 2018

Up to 10% of the population suffer from a condition called bruxism – the unconscious grinding or clenching of the teeth. Grinding or clenching of teeth often occurs during sleep. It can disrupt a good night’s rest and damage teeth, so it’s important to have your dentist check for tell-tale signs of bruxism wear on your teeth. Stress and anxiety are a leading cause of bruxism, but there are many other possible causes, including high alcohol or caffeine intake, smoking, sleep disorders, certain drugs, and other culprits. Bruxism can also manifest itself in headaches, earaches, tinnitus, and pain around the jaw, cheeks, neck, and shoulders. The wear on your teeth can compromise the protective layer of teeth enamel and can result in cavities, broken fillings, and cracked teeth. If you are found to have bruxism, your dentist can fit you with a bite guard to wear while you are sleeping. A bite guard can prevent further damage. If you would like to be evaluated for bruxism, call Discovery Smiles to schedule and appointment. 520-721-2000.

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10 Foods for Healthier Teeth

Posted on Feb 20, 2018

You may have heard about foods that can stain and harm your teeth, like coffee and popcorn, but do you know which foods are actually good for your teeth? Here are some foods that teeth love: 1) Hard cheeses lower the acid level in your mouth, which helps prevent the erosion of tooth enamel. 2) Yogurt is high in probiotics that protect against cavities. 3) Oranges are less acidic than many other citrus fruits and are high in Vitamin C which helps keep your gums strong. 4) Ginger is a natural breath freshener and helps prevent the growth of bacteria. 5) Celery is an edible dental floss and contains lots of water to wash away other food particles. 6) Nuts contain calcium that can help harden your tooth enamel. 7) Raw broccoli florets can scrub away plaque build-up on your teeth. 8) Milk is rich in jaw-strengthening calcium. 9) Fresh cranberries contain polyphenols that prevent the build-up of plaque 10) Sugar-free gum helps scour food particles away from your teeth. If it’s time for a professional teeth cleaning for you, please consider scheduling your appointment at Discovery Smiles. 520-721-2000.

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Dental Tips Straight from Cupid!

Posted on Jan 19, 2018

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so we thought we’d share a few things you can do that may help you cozy up to your special Valentine. 1) Chew gum with xylitol. It can help curb snacking, which is great for those who want to shed a few pounds, and it also helps prevent cavities. 2) Chase away oral bacteria that causes bad breath. Use an antibacterial mouthwash, brush your tongue, floss regularly, and keep a sugar-free breath mint or two on hand. 3) Plan to toast with white wine or champagne instead of red wine that is certain to turn your lips, teeth, and tongue an unattractive dark purple. 4) Decide to quit smoking. It’s terrible for your teeth, and it can often be terrible for your love life too! 5) For a bright, kissable smile, consider teeth whitening. At Discovery Smiles, teeth whitening can brighten your smile in a single visit. If you’re ready to dazzle someone special with a brilliant, white smile, call Discovery Smiles at 520-721-2000 to book an appointment.

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5 Good Reasons to Improve Your Smile

Posted on Jan 05, 2018

Have you always wanted to have perfectly straight, white teeth? Why not put a new smile at the top of your list of New Year’s resolutions? 1) A new smile can make you feel more confident, which can help you become more successful in your personal and business circles. 2) A new smile can help you make more friends. Smiling is often a prelude to friendships. 3) A new smile can help you look younger. You’ll be smiling more, and those muscles you use to smile, naturally lift your face. 4) A new smile can increase laughter, which can help lower your heart rate and blood pressure. 5) A new smile is more affordable than you might think. If you’re ready for a beautiful, new smile, call Discovery Smiles at 520-721-2000 and schedule a consultation.

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Goodbye Goo!

Posted on Dec 15, 2017

Move over goo. You’ve been replaced! With the iTero Scanner, Dr. William G. Allen and his team at Discovery Smiles are able to take a 3D digital scan of your teeth and bite without the need for gooey impressions. The scanner safely and comfortably creates a 3D digital model of your teeth. From that model, Dr. Allen and team can use the images to create accurately-fitted crowns, dental implants, and orthodontics. Scanning is fast and painless. So what are you waiting for? Call Discovery Smiles and get your oral health on track! 520-721-2000

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7 Things to Consider When Choosing a Dentist

Posted on Oct 11, 2017

Here are some great questions to ask when choosing a dentist.

1) Is the dentist’s office located close to your home or workplace?

2) Is the dentist a member of the American Dental Association?

3) Is the dentist equipped with the latest tools in dentistry?

4) If you have dental benefits, is the dentist in your plan’s network?

5) If you don’t have dental insurance, does the dentist offer flexible payment options?

6) Is your comfort and peace of mind a top priority with the dentist?

7) Does the dentist come highly recommended by other patients?

Explore whether Dr. William G. Allen and his team at Discovery Smiles Dentistry may be a good fit for your dental needs.

Feel free to call Discovery Smiles at 520- 721-2000.


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