What is a Dental Emergency?
Posted on Jun 12, 2018
Have you experienced a toothache or other worrisome dental problem and wondered whether or not it constituted an emergency? A dental emergency is generally that which requires immediate treatment to save a tooth, stop severe bleeding, or address severe tooth pain. Here are some conditions which may warrant an emergency visit: 1) Abscess – (This may appear as a painful, pimple-like swelling on your gums.) 2) A considerably broken tooth – Place as many pieces of the tooth as you can save in a small, dry container, and bring them with you when you see the dentist. 3) A knocked-out tooth – Avoid touching the root of the tooth. Gently rinse off the tooth and, if possible, hold the tooth in place in its socket until you see the dentist. 4) Loose tooth – Use your finger to try to put the loose tooth back in place until you see the dentist, but don’t force it. 5) Loose filling – Seal the area with a piece of sugarless gum or dental cement until you see the dentist. 6) Severe gum bleeding – Hold gauze firmly in place to stem the bleeding. Avoid anticoagulants that will make it more difficult to stop the bleeding. Visit a dentist or emergency room right away. 7) Severe toothache – Rinse your mouth with warm water. See a dentist if the pain persists. If you have a dental problem and you’re not sure what to do about it, call Discovery Smiles at 520-721-2000.